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XR4HERITAGE in STEREOPSIA The world immersion forum.

XR4Heritage XR4Heritage

OCTOBER 18 - Day 2

To imagine the cultural outings of tomorrow, it is necessary to build bridges between artists, professionals of tourism, media, culture and actors of new technologies. They will all be present in the Culture & Heritage track for this 2nd inspiring day at STEREOPSIA.


9:00 - 10:30 Room Bruges - Floor1 + 10:30-12:30 : Exhibition Hall /Heritage Lix stand 90' No Testimony + coaching English

A private session with inspiring professionals. An opportunity to discover the hidden story behind their success stories and try to understand how they took their business to the next level. Through these testimonials, HERITAGE LIX participants will be helped to identify the strategies, content and resources needed to succeed in their Europe-wide deployment. Program: from 9 to 10 a.m.: EXHIBTION HUB succes story - from 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.: presentation of the other HERITAGE LIX experts : Deloitte, New art Experiences, Bright Festival, Art Tech Foundation 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: one to one coaching. Possibility to make appointments with one or more experts from the XR4heritage community (on request 30' by session)


in situMario Iacampo: Exhibition Hub : Founder Manager- CEO & Artistic Director - advice and exchange of experience about SCALE UP issues in Europe & in the world.
in situ Julien Boeur: DELOITTE: Customer Experience Strategy & Innovation - Customer Experience Strategy & Innovation
in situ Nathallie Tilmant: Visit Brussels : Bright Festival Project Manager - Individual appointments to help candidates anchor their light installation project in a theme/location of one of the 3 official routes. Possibility of making appointments with the curators of the partner museums/venues - and/or potential local partners.
in situ Michael Couzigou: NEW ART EXPERIENCES : Founder/ Ex Director at ATELIER DES LUMIERES - advice and exchange of experience about SCALE UP issues in Europe & in the world.
in situ Nathalie Pichard: Arttech foundation (Lausanne): Executive Director & Curator - One to one Business models: support to consolidate the deployment of your business on a European scale.
Room brugges 90' No Round Table English

Exchange around the issues of WEB3/ METAVERSE conducted by European broadcasters & public service media.



in situ Jeanne Marchalot: FRANCE TV - Head of the Francetv StoryLab XR Commissionner France Télévisions
in situ Gilles Freissinier: Arte - Director of Digital Development - Assistant to the Editorial Director
in situ Corrine Boulangier: RTBF - Innovation Manager. Secteur Culture et Média.
in situIsabel De Peuter-Rutten: Euromersive - Gatherverse EU - co-founder | Director
Room Antwerp - Floor190'NoWorkshopEnglish

Each heritage lix participant has the opportunity to test their pitch and presentation material. Thanks to the advice of the other participants and coaches, they will refine their arguments, their communication strategy and the impact of their storytelling


in situ ALOk NANDI: Architempo & Spread Design - Projet manager
in situ ELOI GERARD: END - Founder Manager
Room Bruges - Floor190'YESspeed datingEnglish

Opportunity to meet and talk with Narrative 2022 BOOSTER winners: authors and producers with XR narrative projects looking for co-producers, distributors or venues. (15' per appointment)


The event XR for tourism and culture is organized by Howest, XR Valley, Visit Flanders and Stereopsia.
The event consists of two keynotes by experts from the XR world, testimonials and a panel discussion from specialists, developers in XR and/or tourism, culture and heritage venues. The sessions are followed by a walking dinner with a matchmaking event, the ideal time to get in touch with both XR interested parties and XR providers.


contact@xr4heritage.comcf. BRIGHT Templateno obligation to submitapplication for the BRIGHT grantsEnglish or French




Exhibition Hub
CEO & Artistic Director

Pays: Belgium



PICHARD Nathalie

Fondation ArtTech
Founder Manager

Pays: Suisse

Nathalie Pichard is the Executive Director and Curator of the ArtTech Foundation she co-founded in 2017. She was also the first Director of EPFL Pavilions at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), a forum which aims to bring science and technology closer to the humanities. As Director of the Roman Museum in Lausanne, then Secretary General for Academic Affairs at EPFL where she implemented numerous strategic projects, she has a successful experience of starting and managing diverse and global projects. She also founded her own company which combines technological innovation, art and culture, helping to preserve and promote cultural heritage.

Nathalie Pichard est la directrice et curatrice de la Fondation ArtTech; elle a cofondée en 2017. Elle a également été la première directrice d’EPFL Pavilions À l’École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
(EPFL), un forum qui vise à rapprocher les sciences et les technologies des sciences humaines. En tant
que directrice du Musée romain de Lausanne, puis secrétaire générale des affaires académiques de
EPFL où elle a mis en œuvre de nombreux projets stratégiques, elle a une grande expérience du
lancement et de la gestion de projets divers et globaux. Elle a également fondé sa propre entreprise
qui combine innovation technologique, art et la culture, contribuant ainsi à la préservation et à la
promotion du patrimoine culturel.

PICHARD Nathalie

Nathalie Pichard is the Executive Director and Curator of the...


Nathalie Tilmant

Event Supervisor

Pays: Belgium

Nathalie Tilmant




Pays: France
Professionnel de la culture depuis plus de 20 ans, Michael a dirigé des monuments historiques et des musées tels le Château du Clos-Lucé à Amboise, puis le Château des Baux de Provence, le Musée d’Art et d’Histoire et le Théâtre Antique d’Orange, les Arènes de Nîmes, la Maison Carrée et la Tour Magne pour la société CULTURESPACES.
Passionné par les nouvelles formes d’expression artistique, il prend part en 2017 au lancement de l’ATELIER DES LUMIÈRES à Paris, le premier centre d’art numérique en France, en tant que directeur et commissaire d’expositions contemporaines. En 2018, il crée et produit l’exposition immersive TERRA MAGNIFICA avec le photographe Yann Arthus Bertrand et en 2019, IMMERSIVE ART FESTIVAL, le premier festival dédié à la création numérique immersive avec 11 studios européens.
Entre 2020 et 2022, il est créateur et producteur d’expériences immersives pour le studio montréalais MOMENT FACTORY.
En tant que vice-président de l’association française MOTION PLUS DESIGN il participe à l’organisation de différents événements notamment autour de la valorisation et la reconnaissance du motion design comme courant artistique du 21ème siècle, à Los Angeles, Paris et Tokyo.

Il est aujourd’hui fondateur de l’agence de conseil et organisations d’événements culturels et numériques “NEW ART EXPERIENCES”
As a cultural professional for over 20 years, Michael has managed historical monuments and museums such as the Château du Clos-Lucé in Amboise, then the Château des Baux de Provence, the Museum of Art and History and the Ancient Theatre of Orange, the Arènes de Nîmes, the Maison Carrée and the Tour Magne for the company CULTURESPACES.
Passionate about new forms of artistic expression, in 2017 he took part in the launch of the ATELIER DES LUMIÈRES in Paris, the first digital art center in France, as director and curator of contemporary exhibitions. In 2018, he creates and produces the immersive exhibition TERRA MAGNIFICA with the photographer Yann Arthus Bertrand and in 2019, IMMERSIVE ART FESTIVAL, the first festival dedicated to immersive digital creation with 11 European studios.
Between 2020 and 2022, he is creator and producer of immersive experiences for the Montreal studio MOMENT FACTORY.
As vice-president of the French association MOTION PLUS DESIGN, he participates in the organization of various events, notably around the valorization and recognition of motion design as an artistic movement of the 21st century, in Los Angeles, Paris and Tokyo.
Today he is the founder of the consulting and organization agency for cultural and digital events “NEW ART EXPERIENCES”.


Professionnel de la culture depuis plus de 20 ans, Michael...



France TV
Head of StoryLab XR Commissionner France

Pays: France




@XR-One|Mizik @Euromersive | @Gatherverse EU |@ Exploring Life
Co-founder & Treasurer / Director

Pays: Belgium




Directeur du Développement Numérique - Adjoint au Directeur Editorial chez ARTE France

Pays: France




Founder / Creative Director / Designer XR

Pays: Belgium




E.N.D. Entertainment | XR-Story

Pays: United States




Innovation Manager. Secteur Culture et Média.

Pays: Belgium



Julien Boeur

Manager - Customer Experience Strategy & Innovation at Deloitte Digital

Pays: Belgium

Julien joined Deloitte Luxembourg in October 2016 in the Strategy & Corporate Finance Department. In September 2018, Julien has returned to his homeland and moved to Deloitte Digital Belgium in the Customer Strategy & Applied Design department in order to specialize in Digital strategy & transformation.
Since he joined Deloitte, Julien has worked on various strategic engagements for the public sector and international players of the
financial industry covering market assessments & positioning, strategy definition as well as the design of business transformation programs.
Additionally, Julien has developed his expertise in digital transformation as he worked on digital strategy assignments aiming to
define new digital value proposition & target operating model. Lastly, Julien has a strong interest in strategic innovation and new
technologies that can positively impact today’s world.


INSEAD Business school (2020) – Executive education “Strategy in the age of Digital Disruption”

Master Degree in Business, Louvain School of Management (LSM) (2013-2015) – succeed with honors

Bachelor Degree in Economics and Management (2010-2013)


Design of an interactive museum for an EU institution by using the Design Thinking framework and new interactive technologies
available on the market

Design of the future digital experience dedicated to the flagship space of a public organization

Strategic Business review for a leading private bank: in-depth analysis of the offering in order to formulate a new value
proposition while providing recommendations to increase revenues & to reduce the cost-to-serve

Digital transformation program for a leading private bank: identification of key projects to be launched including roadmaps
to execute the digital strategy

Definition of a Digital Vision and value proposition for a leading Asset Management Company in Luxembourg: level of
digitization assessment, impact of new technologies (RPA, blockchain, etc.) on the value chain, definition of strategic options
and 5-year roadmap

Analysis of Fintechs’ value proposition for a Transfer Agent in Luxembourg: identification of Fintechs and assessment of their
degree of disruption along our client’s value chain

Strategic planning definition for a major bank: roadmap definition and identification of key milestones to be achieved for the Digital
Strategy (3 years horizon)


Julien Boeur

Julien joined Deloitte Luxembourg in October 2016 in the Strategy...


Loïc De Visscher

Corporate Innovation Manager

Pays: Belgium

Loïc De Visscher


BOBBIO Jean-Baptiste

Brussels Major Events
Project Coordinator Support

Pays: Belgium

Cursus littéraire avec spécialisation théâtre et universitaire en arts du spectacle. Parcours professionnel très diversifié avec réorientation dans le développement web puis dans l’événementiel pour la Ville de Bruxelles.

BOBBIO Jean-Baptiste

Cursus littéraire avec spécialisation théâtre et universitaire en arts du...



Citadelle de Namur
Comité animation

Pays: Belgium




Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Attaché au service général du Patrimoine

Pays: Belgium




Bois-du-Luc. Musée de la Mine et du Développement Durable

Pays: Belgium




Bois-du-Luc. Musée de la Mine et du Développement Durable
Responsable tourisme

Pays: Belgium




Musées et Société en Wallonie a.s.b.l. (MSW)
Chargé de projets, orienté Patrimoine

Pays: Belgium

Romain Jacquet a obtenu un master en Histoire (ULG) et un second master en Gestion culturelle (ULB). Il est chargé de projet et formateur TIC chez Musées et Société en Wallonie, l’association fédérative des musées wallons. Ses passions pour l’utilité du patrimoine, la sensibilité humaine et l’innovation technologique l’inspirent dans ses projets. C’est notamment le cas pour Behind The Museum qu’il pilote depuis son lancement fin 2020.


Romain Jacquet a obtenu un master en Histoire (ULG) et...



Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Attaché-Chargé de projet de la mise en œuvre de la politique culturelle numérique

Pays: Belgium

Milléniale, curieuse, MacGyver( Richard Dean Anderson of course) dans les situations qui l’exigent de 34 ans, j’ai fait des études d’histoire (spécialité Antiquité méditerranéenne) puis j’ai enchaîné sur un master en sciences et technologies de l’information et de la communication. J’ai enchaîné avec un job de consultante en knwoledge management, avec la fonction de document controller ensuite je suis arrivée à la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles comme attachée-chargée de projet de la mise en oeuvre de la politique culturelle numérique. Sur mon temps libre, j’ai aidé durant environ 10 ans à la gestion d’équipe et au recrutement pour la Made in Asia et feu Japan Expo Belgium où la gamification était un outil essentiel à mes yeux.


Milléniale, curieuse, MacGyver( Richard Dean Anderson of course) dans les...



Visit Charleroi - Maison du Tourisme du Pays de Charleroi
Chargé de projet

Pays: Belgium

J’ai l’habitude de gérer et de motiver des équipes ayant des profils très différents afin de les placer dans une dynamique positive de travail. Assurer et superviser l’organisation administrative et comptable d’une ASBL représente mon quotidien depuis près de 10 ans.


J’ai l’habitude de gérer et de motiver des équipes ayant...


Hugues Lanneau


Pays: Belgium

Hugues Lanneau



Ville de Mons
Chargée de projet MUSEUM LAB

Pays: Belgium

Depuis mars 2021 : Chargée de projet MuseumLab à la Ville de Mons


Depuis mars 2021 : Chargée de projet MuseumLab à la...


PIERRE Florence

Citadelle de Namur
Responsable pédagogique et scientifique.

Pays: Belgium

J’ai 34 ans. J’ai fait des études d’histoire à l’Université de Namur (baccalauréat) suivies d’un master en communication de l’histoire à l’UCL. J’ai ensuite prolongé mes études par l’agrégation de l’enseignement secondaire supérieur (UCL). Je suis sortie de l’université en 2012. J’ai ensuite suivi des formations en néerlandais via le forem, réalisé quelques intérims dans l’enseignement secondaire supérieur et je suis, depuis 2013, responsable pédagogique et scientifique à la Citadelle de Namur. J’y suis chargée de faire les recherches historiques, d’écrire les textes des visites guidées permanentes et occasionnelles, d’écrire des dossiers pédagogiques, de proposer des visites pour les écoles et les familles, de gérer des évènements de petite ampleur et de suivre les gros dossiers de médiation (souterrains, château médiéval…).

PIERRE Florence

J’ai 34 ans. J’ai fait des études d’histoire à l’Université...


ROUSSEAU Christelle

Musée de la Photographie à Charleroi
Directrice adjointe

Pays: Belgium

ROUSSEAU Christelle



Musée de la Photographie à Charleroi
Business Developer & Marketing Manager

Pays: Belgium



Henriques de Granada Aude

Palais du Coudenberg

Pays: Belgium

Henriques de Granada Aude


HARDY Patrice

Intrapreneur - Délégué Technique à la Production

Pays: Belgium

HARDY Patrice


REYES Elisa Goffart

Chargée de rubriques

Pays: Belgium

REYES Elisa Goffart


GEAL Nicolas

Théâtre Royal Toone

Pays: Belgium

GEAL Nicolas



ULB Centre Metices

Pays: Belgium



GREVESSE Magdalena

ULB Centre Metices
Responsable de projets & chargée de recherches

Pays: Belgium

GREVESSE Magdalena



Visit Charleroi - Maison du Tourisme du Pays de Charleroi

Pays: Belgium




Administration Communale de Mons
Conservateur des patrimoines Unesco

Pays: Belgium

Manuela Valentino, conservatrice des patrimoines UNESCO de la Ville de Mons


Manuela Valentino, conservatrice des patrimoines UNESCO de la Ville de...


CHANEL David-Alexandre

Co-founder / Creative and managing director

Pays: France

Artist, engineer and entrepreneur, David-Alexandre CHANEL co-founded THÉORIZ Studio with Jonathan RICHER in 2014. Combining an education in music and an engineering school, David-Alexandre CHANEL uses art and science to create innovative and poetic art installations. Since 2011, he co-signed many digital art installations seen in international renowned art festival and received several international awards. In 2022 he founds a new company Augmenta, a tracking technology intended for the creative industries.

CHANEL David-Alexandre

Artist, engineer and entrepreneur, David-Alexandre CHANEL co-founded THÉORIZ Studio with...



Dream Factory
Co-fondateur & Direction de Création Experientielle

Pays: France

Stories are shaping our perception of the world, fuel our dreams and shape the future we want to live in. Grégoire Nedelcovici, having studied at the Paris Sorbonne University and Columbia University of New York, began its carrier as a filmmaker in both independent documentaries and HBO’s series. But he felts stories had new ways of being told, more impactful ones.

With a passion with video games, he discovered the capabilities of interactive stories which acknowledges our presence, our agency, where spectators become participants.

With Tristan Desplechin and Eliza Calmat, they founded Dream Factory, a company dedicated to innovative storytelling, through interactive and immersive experience with a single goal, allowing to live meaningful and impactful stories.


Stories are shaping our perception of the world, fuel our...



Reframe Production
Filmmaker, VR creator, XR creative director

Pays: Italy

Matteo Lonardi is the creative director of Milan based immersive studio Reframe Productions. Graduated from Columbia Journalism School in 2014, since 2010, Lonardi has documented artists around the world through photography, video, and VR. His immersive narrative Il Dubbio (two episodes) were presented at Venice VR expanded in 2020 and 2021. His latest VR project is an interactive journey into Italian 20th century design and architecture for Fondazione La Triennale Milano.


Matteo Lonardi is the creative director of Milan based immersive...


Elyes Rebai

Creation Manager

Pays: Tunisie

Elyes Rebai is a 3D designer. Born in Tunisia. Graduated in Art and communications at the Higher Institute of Fine Arts in Tunis, then in Cinema And audiovisual at the University of Paris VIII.
Aware of the importance of digital tools in cultural mediation, he has invested himself in scientific and artistic projects in several national museums, such as the National Museum of Carthage, the Bastia museum, the archaeological site of Oudhna, and the National Museum of Sousse, without omitting historical and national monuments such as the château de Champs-sur-Marne, the Rachidia Institute of Tunisian Music and the Qsar Said Beylical Palace.

Elyes Rebai

Elyes Rebai is a 3D designer. Born in Tunisia. Graduated...


Jonathan Biz Medina

Senior XR Producer / Partner

Pays: Finland

With a bachelor degree in Game Design, Jonathan Biz Medina has developed interactive and virtual experiences for art exhibitions and museums in Brazil, working as a videogame designer at the innovation sector of Itaú Cultural in São Paulo.

Currently living in Helsinki, is one of the owners and the Senior Producer at ZOAN, the largest XR company in Finland. Over the past 10 years has led and developed 171 digital projects in a wide range of technologies and B2B clients, including GLAM institutions and even one metaverse solution for rainforest conservation.

From the big metropolis to the idyllic landscapes of Finland, has learned to love nature and the outdoors in recent years and is passionate about history and culture.

Jonathan Biz Medina

With a bachelor degree in Game Design, Jonathan Biz Medina...


Maria Courtial

Faber Courtial - studio for digital worlds
Co-Founder, CEO, Producer and Co-Director

Pays: Allemagne

Maria Courtial is co-founder, CEO and producer at Faber Courtial – studio for digital worlds, which she established in 1998 (together with her husband and director Joerg Courtial) after graduating in industrial design.
Under Maria’s leadership the company developed into one of the leading VR and VFX studios in Germany. Fascinated by new technologies and their possibilities, Maria embraced immersive media and set a new focus to XR.
Since 2014 she has been producing and co-directing award-winning immersive films and experiences that reshape the world of entertainment. Her trademark is the tight and poetic weaving of all production elements to create remarkable experiences with strong emotions.

Maria Courtial

Maria Courtial is co-founder, CEO and producer at Faber Courtial...


Michael Guerin

Founder & CEO

Pays: Ireland

Michael is Founder of Imvizar, a an immersive experience platform, with a particular focus on visitor attractions, towns and cities. Previously, Michael was Programme Manager of Dublin’s smart city testbed – Smart Docklands – an initiative which gives startups and innovators an opportunity to trial and test technology in a real urban environment.
He is currently a Smart City Advisor to the Harvard City Innovator Forum andChair of Connected City Infrastructure Solution Group on behalf of Telecom Infra Project.

Michael Guerin

Michael is Founder of Imvizar, a an immersive experience platform,...


Carlos Mondragon

El Gabinete
Innovation Director

Pays: Portugal

Carlos is founder of El Gabinete which is focused on creating relevant content enriched with AI technology delivered through IoT devices, and AR wayfinding tools in natural and cultural heritage venues,

Previously he founded a company specialised in the use of technology for science and art popularisation.

He has more than 20 years of experience in public and private organisations in different countries in the Americas, Europe and the Middle East. Carlos’ job consists in managing multidisciplinary and distributed teams that design and develop El Gabinete’s products.

He is a certified Scrummaster and has finished the course Human-centred service design from IDEO U. He holds an MA in industrial design and MSc. in eBusiness, and PhD candidate.

Carlos Mondragon

Carlos is founder of El Gabinete which is focused on...


Simon Barratt

Cooperative Innovations

Pays: United Kingdom

Simon is the co-founder and CEO of Cooperative Innovations.
With 23 years of games development and virtual world building experience, originally as a programmer and the last 17 years as a studio founder.

Simon, his co-founder Brian and the Cooperative Innovations team have worked across Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for over 10 years as well as directly building game engine technologies of their own for almost every hardware platform.
This experience and the previous projects of the company (including work with McLaren Automotive, BBC, Sony Music, Framestore and others) has led to the development of Curatours in the last two years.

Simon Barratt

Simon is the co-founder and CEO of Cooperative Innovations. With...


Alexandra Sierra

Justin Beaver
XR Academia Conference Organizer - Researcher

Pays: Pays-Bas

Researcher in Virtual Reality Simulations and Lecturer in Creative Business | XR Academia Conference Organizer | Justin Beaver Projects

Alexandra Sierra is Doctor in Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence and a magister in Education. Currently, she is co-founder of the company Justin Beaver and XR ACADEMIA. She also works as a film director and entrepreneur for virtual reality content and immersive experience for Education and environmentally friendly digital products. Her areas of research include Immersive Learning Technologies (Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality) and Conventional Technologies (Educational Platforms, Robotics and Video Games). In 2012, she was recognized by the Colombian Ministry of Education as one of the best Technology & Informatics teachers in high school education. She was selected to participate in an ICT training course in South Korea. In 2016, she was nominated among the best ten proposals for the Teacher Award in Colombia. In 2021, she and her team received an award for revolutionary research in immersive technology at Laval Virtual, France, for her research project called “Justin Beaver Stories”. In 2022, she received an award for developing the film “Justin Beaver Survivor” by the Ministry of Culture in Colombia. Finally, she is a founding member of the Colombian Association of Immersive, Interactive, and Emerging Realities (XRCOL).

Alexandra Sierra

Researcher in Virtual Reality Simulations and Lecturer in Creative Business...


Alesandra Bogi

Lucid Realities
Head of productions

Pays: France

After a master degree in anthropology, Alessandra started working in documentary production between Italy and France. Passionate about storytelling and finding new ways of bringing compelling stories to engage the audience, she specialized in interactive design at the prestigious Ecole des Gobelins and joined Lucid Realities as Head of production on VR and AR projects.

Alesandra Bogi

After a master degree in anthropology, Alessandra started working in...


Petros Papadopoulos

PI Tech
Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer

Pays: Grece

Petros is Co-Founder and AR/VR Developer of Pi tech and VR Developer of VIRED. Student in Mechanical Engineering in AUTH-Greece. Expertise: AR/VR applications, 3D Modelling  and Game Development.

He participated in the Erasmus+ projects “SPACEGUARDIANS – interactive book for improving astronomy literacy of kids” (2017-2019) “Anemelo- Augmented reality game” (2017-2019), EGGS -StudEnts fight food and packaging waste throuGh entrepreneurial education and Game-baSed learning  (2018-2020).

Relevant publications: “ThesStory. A Historical and Cultural Guided Tour in the city of Thessaloniki using Digital Game Based Approach”, “Using a Math Game to improve Basic Math Skills”.

Petros Papadopoulos

Petros is Co-Founder and AR/VR Developer of Pi tech and...


Evgenia Moysidou

PI Tech
Story Scripter

Pays: Grece

Experienced Secondary School Teacher with a demonstrated history of working in the primary/secondary education industry. Skilled in Secondary Education, Presentations, Training, and Story telling scripting. Strong education professional with a Master’s degree focused in Historical Research from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH).

Evgenia Moysidou

Experienced Secondary School Teacher with a demonstrated history of working...

Maison de la Poste (Tour & Taxis), Rue Picard 5/7, 1000 Bruxelles

THE LAB est un outil au service des innovateurs du Patrimoine de la région Bruxelles-Capitale et de la fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.